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When the goals have been set, next thing is to achieve them 💪
Last week, our commercial team, marketing, sales, and merchandising, had fun thinking outside the box and bringing fresh ideas to the...

🎄MERRY CHRISTMAS & Happy New Year 🎉
During the winter breeze at the end of this year, freshket had the warm Christmas & New Year Party in our cozy office. Big congrats to...

Because freshketers' health and wellbeings are important 💚
We've been partnering with Health at Work, an innovative and effective corporate health and wellbeing service, to provide the best health...

2023 is the year of giving and sharing for us. We celebrate CNY with LUCKY BINGO 🧧
Congrats to all the winners who got Angbao from today's event! ❤ Because freshketers' health and wellbeings are important 💚 We've been...

2023 Valentines's Day Movie Night
Good food + good movie + good fellows = good time 💚 Throw back to our 'Valentines's Day Movie Night' 💕 We enjoy having a good time...

😋 freshket Unique Tasty Summer School Tour #1 🥬
We have partnered up with SOS (Scholars of Sustenance), a non-profit food rescue foundation, to reduce food waste and spread the love at...

Discover our exciting events and enjoy life at freshket together!
freshket Sports Day 2023 | WE ARE ONE TEAM 💪 Nothing beats sporty team building. We love the positive (and a bit competitive 🤣) energy...
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